Literacy with an Attitude - Finn


Finn argues that those who would benefit from change must make the change, primarily by understanding the different forms of literacy.

Talking Point 1:

"We don't worry about a literate working class, because the kind of literacy they get doesn't make them dangerous." Finn states that we all participate in the social system in place and accept it as if it were natural. As stated above, Finn states that those that would benefit from change must make the change. In order to do that, those without power must understand the relationships between society, culture, language, and schooling.

Talking Point 2:

Finn mentions an important method for creating dialogue rather than demagogue. Not to be confused with the Demagorgon from Stranger Things, a demagogue is a political leader who seeks support by appealing to popular desires and prejudices rather than by using rational argument (

Peterson would often show students a drawing, photograph, cartoon, poem, or story. From there, Peterson would ask questions that spark conversation, empowerment, and critical thinking. 

  • What do you see?
  • What's happening to your feelings?
  • Relate it to your life.
  • Why do we face these problems?
  • What can we do about it?

Talking Point 3: 

Finn discusses Friere and conflict in naming his book. He specifically mentions teaching Brazilians and how he challenged the status quo. Initially, the form of literacy was deemed "dangerous." This carried an inherently negative connotation. Instead, "attitude" was chosen. This word gave a sense of challenging norms and engaging with literacy in a nonconformist manner. The goal was to avoid teaching how to become better citizens, workers, and Christians. Instead, literacy should be engaging in the struggle for justice.   


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